
5 Reasons Why Tour Operators should not overlook CVB as a Resource for Growing Their Travel Business

5 Reasons Why Tour Operators should not overlook CVB as a Resource for Growing Their Travel Business

5 Reasons Why Tour Operators should not overlook CVB as a Resource for Growing Their Travel Business

Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been in the tourism & travel field for some time, you might have interacted with your local Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). Getting connected with your local CVB is one of the many lessons that Nashville, TN, teaches tour operators: the city pontoon boat operators want to check out for growing their business. Considered one of the top things to do for new watersport businesses, this blog will discuss why tour operators should not overlook the visitors’ bureau as a resource for assisting with business growth.


Table of Contents


CVB vs. DMO vs. DMC


The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), and Destination Management Company (DMC) are organizations that tour operators should consider collaborating with. Although these names are often used interchangeably, there are still some slight differences in how tour operators can use each. Below is the table that highlights the main differences between the organizations:





Host programs in a destination

Bring programs to destination

Handle all aspects of a program logistics

Focus on both Leisure and Business Travel

Primarily focus on group business travel

Implement the Events

Primary contact for organizing Events

Does not typically organize Events

Is in close contact with both CVB’s and DMO’s


Your local CVB is your primary contact in most cases unless you know right off the bat that your inquiry is related primarily to group business travel, in which case you should contact your DMO. Now let’s take a closer look at reasons why tour operators should utilize their CVB as a resource.


#1: List your Business on CVB Directory



Many CVB’s list places to stay, eat, and things to do in the destination they are promoting. Moreover, they likely have a dedicated marketing team promoting their website and the featured businesses. This is an excellent resource for tour operators to utilize. Not only do you get your business listed for free, you attract tourists and vacationers that are likely to view this information when they are looking for fun things to do in the area.


#2: CVB can Connect You with Other Businesses



Checking out other businesses that are listed on the CVB’s directory will give you ideas for potential collaborations. Just like watersport businesses should promote local businesses to sustain a great relationship with marina management, the same should apply to cross-promotion efforts. Perhaps you could offer their guests a discount or visa versa as a way to promote each other’s business and bring additional value to your guests. Restaurants make great promotion partners for watersport companies.


#3: Have Your Name Put Ahead of the List for the Next Event



If you want to be ahead of the game and be the first to know about local events hosted and promoted by your CBV, then it’s important to stay in the loop, just like a watersports company would if they wanted to know when new slips would become available. As we know, each event has its capacity limitations, especially with the COVID restrictions. Networking is vital when running a travel business so be sure you don’t miss out. Speaking of networking


#4: Network with other Companies at CVB Events



Once you are at the CVB event, you will have the opportunity to connect with other businesses to maintain relationships or even cultivate new ones. If people travel to your destination for a business trip, they will most likely be interested in knowing how they can spend their time while here. If you run a guided tour, you are in the perfect position to solve this issue – not only can you tell about things to do when asked during the event, but you can also offer your services.


#5: Use CVB as Your Mentor for Organizing Own Events



Whenever your CVB organizes a new event, just attend it, even if you feel like the event theme is not related to the nature of your travel business. Not only do you get an opportunity to network with other companies, but you can also witness the actual environment of an event in action should you consider organizing your own in the future. Organizing and holding events can benefit your travel business in various ways, including trust-building, and are a method for generating new revenue streams; check out how watersport businesses benefit from events.




To conclude, there are several reasons why tour operators should leverage their local CVB’s efforts. Not only will it help you grow your travel business, it will also provide you with an excellent connection to have for all things tourism and travel. The travel segment has always been about building on the experiential turn, and CVB’s can help.