What can the Partner Support Department do for me?
The partner support department can update your listing, assist with calendar updates, address questions or concerns about billing, and assist you with anything related to your account. You can reach them one of three ways
- Via phone at 850-424-5125 ext 3
- Via email at [email protected]
- Via live chat at partners.tripshock.com

How long does it take to add a new product listing?
Our listing team typically completes new product listings in 2-3 weeks.

Can I control how my TripShock promotes my business on Google?
To some extent, Yes. TripShock will use all sorts of paid and organic keywords to promote your business in every stage of the traveler journey. Travelers often click on 4 or 5 ads and visit half a dozen sites prior to booking. For the health of your business, we want to show up anywhere and everywhere possible so we can get the traveler’s attention. This is why our holistic advertising approach is so critical. Travelers can come from many sources and TripShock works with our partners to make sure we are represented in all possible outlets.
You can read more about our advertising policies and what options your business has when it comes to Google search marketing.
If you believe TripShock is misrepresenting your business in any way or have any details about your listing that are incorrect – we want to know and to fix it immediately. You may contact partner support at [email protected] to get this started.

Can I control how TripShock advertises my business?
To some extent, Yes. If you believe we are misrepresenting your business in any way or have any details about your listing that are incorrect – we want to know and to fix it immediately. You can contact partner support to make these changes.
However, because our industry and competitive environment change so rapidly – we cannot get partner approval for each and every time we mention you in an email, blog, web page, press release, digital ad or print media. It would just be too slow and cost too much. To put things in perspective – our marketing efforts are so sophisticated that advertising spend, active campaigns and even ad copy change based upon weather patterns.

Can I request TripShock not use my trademark in their external ads?
No. TripShock is granted a non-exclusive use of your trademark per the partner terms. This gives TripShock the ability to market your products on our websites and many different affiliate sites freely. Due to the amount of TripShock products, it’s impossible for our marketing team to get permission each time it submits an ad or article that features your trademark.
The travelers visit many sites while planning their vacation, which is why we promote your business on so many different channels.

How does TripShock rank tours in my destination?
Your ranking on the destination search results will vary based on several factors. This includes (but is not limited to) value, type, amount of reviews, quality of reviews, season and promotions.
We also offer featured placements for an additional fee. This is great for operators looking to get maximum exposure in their destination or respective category.

Why are other tours & activities in the same category always shown higher than mine?
Product listings are ranked using an internal system based on several factors. If other tours are consistently being shown ahead of yours, there are a few simple things you can do to help.
- Improve your imagery with new photos and video.
- Offer a promotion or value add.
- Decrease your cut-off time as much as possible.
- Consider revising your product title and description.
- Talk to partner support for suggestions and optional services.

How do I respond to traveler reviews?
The best way to respond to traveler reviews is through the TripShock supplier app on your phone. If you need instructions on downloading the app click here. Once logged into the app, navigate to the reviews tab on the left navigation menu. Tap any review to leave a reply. You may come back to the review at any time if you feel the need to edit the response in the future.

How do I contact support when it’s after normal business hours?
In case of an emergency, you may contact TripShock’s traveler call center for assistance. The Call Center is typically open from 7am-6pm CST and Live Chat is available until 6pm CST with extended hours during peak season. The phone number for our traveler call center is 850-424-5125 ext 1. Hours subject to change.
In addition, we ask that you send an email to [email protected] with the inquiry so our team sees it first thing in the morning.

How do I add another product listing?
Existing partners can add another product by completing this form. After the form is submitted, the listing should be completed within 2-3 weeks. Prospective partners must complete onboarding before adding additional listings. If you have not submitted your application and completed enrollment, please visit partners.tripshock.com. If you have questions, please email [email protected].