
TripShock Promotes Travel Through Video

TripShock Promotes Travel Through Video

TripShock Promotes Travel Through Video

In this day and age where technology and social media are king, the need for immediate results and instant gratification is on the rise. Anything you need is just a quick Google search away! And who has time for anything else? With vacations to plan, families to take care of, work, school, or whatever the case may be, time is of the essence. This is just one of the many reasons why TripShock has begun promoting travel through video!

Video marketing is the latest trend, and quite possibly the next big thing when it comes to online marketing, travel, and tourism. Marketing videos are short, sweet, and to the point, providing potential customers with the information they need, and the inspiration to start planning! TripShock has begun utilizing this technique, adding marketing videos to TripShock’s YouTube channel and blogs. Keep reading and discover the importance of these videos, why they work, and what it means for you!



Using Blogs for Promotional Purposes


Pictured above is TripShock’s blog page, featuring blogs ranging in topic from New Orleans’ carriage rides to Destin fishing charters


Before we jump to the benefits of promoting with video, it’s important to understand the significance of blogs. Blogs add value to the customer experience as a whole, and serve many purposes. They are so much more than just an informational/educational tool for travelers to use when researching different destinations, products, and things to do.

Marketing blogs through social media and other outlets is a great way to reach a wider audience, creating more exposure and visibility. Blogs create a sense of trust, reassuring visitors that the information they’re getting from TripShock is coming from real, local travel experts!


Pictured above are two of TripShock’s blogs used to promote travel and parasailing tours in Destin, FL


Not only that, well-written blogs have a way of creating interest in TripShock and all of our products and partners. One intriguing blog about Crab Island in Destin, FL, could have potential tourists chomping at the bit to book their next unforgettable pontoon boat rental or Crab Island excursion, for example. In this sense, blogs have the capability to divert traffic to the website, potentially increasing sales.

Probably one of the most significant benefits of blogging is that it improves SEO. SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” which is the process of optimizing and refining a website to increase traffic to that website through search engine results. When the blogs on a website have quality content on topics relatable to their target audience, this can boost SEO. TripShock uses blogs, along with other tools and techniques, to increase SEO, making TripShock and the partners and products they’re promoting more visible, hopefully ranking above the competition.


Adding Videos to YouTube and TripShock Blogs


Pictured above are some of the most popular videos uploaded to TripShock’s YouTube channel


Within the last year, TripShock has significantly increased the amount of original content on YouTube. Weekly videos are created by a local travel expert, and then added to YouTube and the corresponding TripShock blog to promote our tours and destinations. These videos are short, 2-3 minute marketing videos that provide viewers with important highlights and information, as well as inspiration to start booking and making travel plans!

According to Forbes, when it comes to monthly active users, YouTube is second only to Facebook. This means that when consistently adding quality videos to YouTube, the potential to reach a massive amount of people is much higher. Not only that, since Google’s purchase of YouTube, there has been a major increase in how much videos can affect SEO and rankings.

Because of this, we’ve discovered that TripShock blogs are even more likely to show up on a Google search if there is a video embedded in the blog, as well. These videos supplement TripShock blogs, and assists in growing organic traffic to the site, potentially resulting in sales. This is just one of the many reasons why TripShock promotes travel through video. Does it work, you ask? Check out the statistics below:



This means that so far this year, from 1/1/2020 until 6/23/2020, we’ve received over 11,500 clicks from Google videos that brought potential travelers to TripShock.com. And the numbers just keep rising! In that same time period, 1.13 million people saw TripShock in the results when searching Google videos. Talk about reaching a large audience!


Why Use Video Marketing and How Does it Promote Travel?


Whether you’re busy at home or on the go, TripShock videos are a great way to get travel advice and information


Nowadays, with social media ruling the roost, and becoming a YouTube sensation being every little kid’s dream job, it’s easy to see the importance of video and the reach it has. Using this platform to promote travel can be nothing but beneficial. Below are just a few of the many reasons why TripShock uses videos and video marketing, and how it can promote travel:

  • Marketing videos are short, sweet, and easy to consume
  • They are a great way to take in information for visual learners, those on the go, and those browsing on a mobile device
  • They are versatile and a great way to provide information and promote any deals or specials, tours and attractions, and vacation destinations
  • They allow access to a larger audience
  • Videos help increase traffic to the website, creating conversations and sales opportunities
  • They can ignite emotions and create passion towards a particular product or destination
  • Marketing videos allow travelers to basically try an activity before ever leaving the laptop! Doing this not only captures the attention of a browsing future traveler, but also influences travel decisions and bookings


What This Means for You


Image by Lyncconf Games via Flickr


If a picture is worth a thousand words, just imagine how much a fun and informative video can be worth to your company! As a TripShock partner, this means more exposure for your company or product, access to a much wider audience, and of course, more sales!

TripShock videos are a great way to promote tours and attractions in a user-friendly way. Haven’t joined TripShock just yet? That’s okay! Learn more about becoming a part of TripShock by clicking here: http://partners.tripshock.com/connect/